Q&A Session Information

Each Q&A Session will focus on the specific areas of law offered as part of the 2025 program, discussing core knowledge and skills to be assessed, methods of assessment and administrative procedures. These sessions will also provide applicants with the opportunity to interact with members of the relevant Advisory Committee and the Specialist Accreditation team. This is an invaluable opportunity to ask the experts any questions you may have in relation to the Specialist Accreditation Program.

For more information about our Program, please refer to this year's  Guide to Application and Assessment  and the  Assessment Requirements Document  for the area of law that you are interested in.

Q&A Session Dates

All Q&A sessions will be held online via Microsoft Teams from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. You will receive an email  on the day of your session with the relevant meeting link. 

The recordings of the Q&A session will be available on the Specialist Accreditation Website within 2 weeks after the session.

Your Law ID (LSID Number) will start with a L
If you do not want communications to be sent to your work email address, please provide a suitable alternative email address.

Pre-submitted Questions