This form is to be completed by Australian legal practitioners who have completed the statutory period of supervised legal practice. Applicants are encouraged to review the Law Society's Supervised Legal Practice Guidelines before completing this form. 

To complete this form, you will be asked to: 

  • Make a declaration that you have completed the statutory period of supervised legal practice pursuant to section 49 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) (Uniform Law).

  • Provide details about each period of supervised legal practice, including the name of your supervisor, your place of practice, the start and end date of each period, and whether each period was undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis.

  • Provide a certification letter from your supervisor(s). 

NOTE:    Any periods of legal practice outside of Australia cannot be relied upon for the purposes of this form. If you wish to rely upon legal practice outside of Australia, please contact the Law Society Registry at



A copy of your completed form will be sent to this email address.


I, the above-named applicant, declare that:

(1)    I am an Australian legal practitioner. 

(2)    I currently hold an Australian practising certificate issued by the Council of the Law Society of New South Wales. 

(3)    I have completed:*

NOTE:    The statutory condition of supervised legal practice is outlined at section 49 of the Uniform Law. Supervised legal practice is defined at section 6 of the Uniform Law and rule 7 of the Legal Profession Uniform General Rules 2015 (NSW) (General Rules).

(4)    I have engaged in supervised legal practice pursuant to section 49 of the Uniform Law, whilst the holder of an Australian practising certificate, as follows: 


NOTE:    Rule 14(3) of the General Rules provides that public holidays during a relevant period are to be included as days of supervised legal practice, whether or not you engaged in legal practice on those days, and normal periods of leave taken during a relevant period are to be included as periods of supervised legal practice. 

NOTE:    Your application cannot be assessed until certification is received. If you have not yet obtained certification from your supervisor(s), you can click 'Save and Complete Later' at the end of this form.

(5)    I declare that: 

Draw signature|Type signatureClear


The Law Society of New South Wales
170 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000
 +61 2 9926 0156 | F: +61 2 9926 0257 | E: | W:
 000 000 699 | ABN: 98 696 304 966