Complete this form to cancel your Australian practising certificate issued by the Council of the Law Society of New South Wales ( Law Society Council) pursuant to  s74(2)  of the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) ( Uniform Law).

NOTE :    If you wish to cease practising, you may either:

  • Surrender your Australian practising certificate by completing this form; or,

  • Let your Australian practising certificate lapse on 30 June of the practising certificate year by choosing not to renew it.

Your details


A copy of your completed form will be sent to this email address.

Reason/s for surrendering your Australian practising certificate

NOTE  If you intend to commence a period of extended leave from practice, you may continue to hold an Australian practising certificate while not practising. Please note that an Australian practising certificate is subject to the statutory condition of Continuing Professional Development ( CPD), requiring the holder to comply with the  Legal Profession Uniform Continuing Professional Development (Solicitors) Rules 2015 (NSW) .For further information regarding your CPD requirements, please view our website here

NOTE :   If you would like to continue holding your Australian practising certificate but are not engaging in legal practice, you can update your employment details by completing the Change in employment details form

Date you would like the surrender of your Australian practising certificate to be effective

NOTE:      Regulation 61 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Regulation 2015 (NSW) requires you to notify the Law Society Council of any change in your practising arrangements within seven days of the change occurring.

If you hold a Principal of a Law Practice practising certificate

Closing a law practice:    If you are the only principal of a law practice and you intend to close the law practice and transfer trust property, including client files to another law practice, the Regulatory Compliance Support Unit have prepared a helpful checklist to assist you with complying with your obligations under the Legal Profession Uniform Legal Practice (Solicitors) Rules 2015 (NSW). Further queries regarding winding up of a law practice can be sent to the Professional Support Unit at

Trust account notification:    Rule 51(1) of the  Legal Profession Uniform General Rules 2015 (NSW)  provides that a law practice must give written notice to the Law Society Council within 14 days of the law practice ceasing to hold trust money because it ceases to exist as a law practice, to engage in legal practice or to practise in such a way as to receive trust money. Further queries relating to trust accounting can be made to

Additional Requirements for Incorporated and Unincorporated Legal Practices:    Pursuant to s 104(3) of the Uniform Law, if a law practice ceases to engage in legal practice, it must give the Law Society Council notice of that fact within 14 days (see rule 29 of the Legal Profession Uniform General Rules 2015 (NSW)). If you are a principal of an incorporated or unincorporated legal practice that will also be ceasing to engage in legal practice, please complete the notice of cessation form to inform the Law Society Council of the current arrangements for the legal practice. You may find the incorporated legal practice form here, and the unincorporated legal practice form here.


I, the above-named practitioner, declare that:

Draw signature|Type signatureClear


The Law Society of New South Wales
170 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000
 +61 2 9926 0333 |  F: +61 2 9926 0257 |  E:  |  W:
 000 000 699 |  ABN: 98 696 304 966